Lamp and buzzer ADBZ16-B Aozun Electric

Lamp and buzzer ADBZ16-B	Aozun Electric
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Mã sản phẩm: ADBZ16-B
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Now available in 12V DC, 24V AC/DC or 120V AC, the ADBZxx-B series of pilot lights use high-intensity LEDs to provide ultra-bright visibility even in direct sunlight! These lights are perfect for use in applications located in dirty environments, or with high ambient light levels, such as waste water treatment plants, car washes, and solar or outdoor control panels. ADBZxx-B is available in six vibrant color lenses or with a clear lens to provide sharper contrast between lit and unlit. When viewed from the side, these lights provide illumination up to 100 times brighter than a standard pilot light. You need to see it to believe it!

Now available in 12V DC, 24V AC/DC or 120V AC, the ADBZxx-B series of pilot lights use high-intensity LEDs to provide ultra-bright visibility even in direct sunlight! These lights are perfect for use in applications located in dirty environments, or with high ambient light levels, such as waste water treatment plants, car washes, and solar or outdoor control panels. ADBZxx-B is available in six vibrant color lenses or with a clear lens to provide sharper contrast between lit and unlit. When viewed from the side, these lights provide illumination up to 100 times brighter than a standard pilot light. You need to see it to believe it!

#Lampandbuzzer #ADBZ16-B #Aozun Electric #antek99

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